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Intention is the first step to creation

Everything Is A Starting Point

Start here to initiate your desire to transform

The mind is a powerful landscape. It is the topography we spend an entire lifetime working to prune, examine, nurture, and blossom.

How do we make anything grow inside this metaphysical plane? It starts with vibration.

The universe states that every physical manifestation starts as the seedling of a vibrational thought. Intention is the first step to creation. Deconstructing, navigating, and programming the subconscious is critical work. Knowing deep within our solar plexus that we can shift and reimagine our reality by changing our minds is exciting but initially daunting.

We are the co-creators of our reality, so we have divine provenance over the thoughts we let roam free each day. Also, we don’t live in a vacuum; we can’t dodge the external world and, in turn, what others are feeding their minds.

Often, society’s programming has us living in an all-or-nothing mentality. We are missing the mark if we don’t wake up with the ability to speak three languages, have thick, lustrous hair like a rope, have a sleek physique, or perform at the highest level each day at work.

Seeing the gaps so disparately of who we are and who we want to be can feel discouraging and paralyzing. It also stifles our ability to see our superpowers, a profound loss. The grasping, reaching, and striving have us all in a chaotic, Cy Twombly-esque scribble. Feeling out of alignment with our goals—or an acknowledgment of our natural gifts—keeps us from the vibration that we want and deserve.

Instead of aiming to keep up with a collective, we can change the trajectory altogether. What if we believed in our progress before we saw the tangible proof? What if we leveraged the laws of the universe and flooded the subconscious with thoughts of victory? It wouldn’t be premature, but instead an enlightened approach. It is the knowing that the vibration has to precede the manifestation.

“Where there is curiosity, there is a path for growth.”

vinson in dogwood

Vinson Fraley photographed in Sodus, New York


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), this bounding forth, something-coming-from-nothing energy harkens to the Wood element. The primordial springy, birthing stuff of the cosmos connects us from our spirit to our mind and then to our physical vessel. The body requires movement and inhibitionless circulation for the five elements to align. We can harness qi for this. Qi, quite simply, is the vital lifeforce that flows through the body. It is a frequency and flow understood deeper than what is felt with the five senses.

Ayurveda and Anthroposophy understand the through-line of energy as it connects mind, body, and spirit. This energy inspires us, bubbles up curiosity, and changes what thoughts are playing on a loop. This energy gets us out of a rut. It helps us out of the comparison matrix and into something much more enthralling: a return to wholeness. Wholeness is what we are after, not wellness, which is an ephemeral state. Wholeness embraces every side of us and champions health.


By landing here, you have already begun the process. The desire for transformation is already piqued, and the mind is already percolating with new ways of being.

Follow the energy that comes with curiosity and inspiration. That’s how the vibration starts shifting. Instead of the narrow focus of the goal, the starting point is a lot more pleasurable. And pleasure will encourage the discipline you need to keep going. Change (in vibration, qi, or lifeforce) is inevitable when you are open and fostering that wonder.

One accessibility point for transformation comes from how we nourish our body or physical house every day. We developed our Ultimate Foundation with 54 of the most nutrient-rich whole plants, filled with the sun’s energy to fuel your transformation. The starting point can be as simple as adding a sachet to your favorite morning beverage.

We are beginning with the simple act of initiating the desire for change. To solidify this energetic feeling further, we suggest putting pen to paper. Write down a few places, spaces, works of art, lines of music, and expansive people that open you up to feel something different. Follow that impulse. That’s the starting line to getting all that you want. Intention is creation.

vinson portrait on the rocks

Vinson Fraley photographed at Lake Ontario, NY